The Rev. Jessica Stokes, "A Faith-Focused Suicide Prevention Training for All"

"A Faith-Focused Suicide Prevention Training for All" There are topics that can be difficult to talk about, including death and grief. Of these topics, one particular situation that is more common than we think is suicide. And even with the best intentions, we can say unhelpful words to those that are hurting around us. When there is a death by suicide in our community, we are all impacted. However, few of us are adequately trained on preventing suicide and supporting those who who are affected by suicide. “LivingWorks Faith” is a needed, relevant, suicide prevention training specifically for people of faith. The intended audience of this training is any person of faith, especially those who find themselves in a caring and supporting role, such as clergy, faith leaders, deacons, Stephen ministers, volunteers, and more. The truth is, we all benefit from suicide prevention training, no matter what roles or spaces we share with others. “LivingWorks Faith” is part of the “Living...