Rev. Amy Brundle, Marketing & Communications Manager for NAMI NC, "The Idols of Performance and Productivity"

Rev. Amy Brundle is an ordained Baptist music minister living in Raleigh, N.C. with her husband, Scott, and a spoiled torbie cat named Brandy. She is also the Marketing & Communications Manager for NAMI North Carolina, a mental health awareness and advocacy nonprofit organization. She holds a Masters of Divinity from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and has been studying music for nearly 35 years. Her passions include inspiring volunteers to grow as worship leaders and increasing mental health advocacy within the local church. The Idols of Performance and Productivity For years I’ve religiously kept a productivity journal to plan my daily schedule. You know the type – color coded tabs, stickers, each day broken out into 15 minute increments, pages labeled with inspirational phrases like “You’ve Got This!” or “Seize the Day!”. These journals are designed to make you excited – and frankly, obsessive – about squeezing...