The Reverend Elizabeth Marie Melchionna, Rector of The Chapel of the Cross, "The Dignity of Every Human Being"

The Dignity of Every Human Being -The Reverend Elizabeth Marie Melchionna That spring morning brought cold and damp to Denver. Grey skies and low clouds gave the thirty-four degrees rainy morning a rather grim feel. Inside the walls of the cathedral spaces, folks were bustling from a morning service after being dismissed - making their way to formation, parents were dropping off children for church school, and choristers were preparing to rehearse for the 11am service. Looking down the long aisle of the nave, I noticed a man making his way to a pew, a long shoelace trailing behind his shoe, damp, frayed. And from his lips came the sharp, tangy smell of smoke as he puffed and exhaled on his cigarette. I went to the man to welcome him, and also to invite him to finish his cigarette outdoors, which he did. And we began to talk. As our conversation continued and the cigarette was finished, I invited him to sit inside. Parishioners joined us, with one serving him a cup of coffee...