Karen Miller, Director of Children and Youth Ministries, Church of Reconciliation, "The Beauty in Safe Spaces for our Youth"

The Beauty in Safe Spaces for our Youth - Karen L Miller I grew up in the 80’s and, like many Gen X’ers, there were things you just did not discuss. Honestly, they were so seldom talked about that I did not even have names for them. My father had an anxiety attack when I was young that he mistook for a heart attack. That ended up being used against him as a joke by others, as if a panic attack made him weak because it wasn’t a real heart attack. My sister had a similar situation happen as well, but it was “just a panic attack” and never treated as a medical issue. I found out, as an adult, that my best friend growing up was gay. Duh. It all made sense in retrospect, but I don’t think I even knew what gay really was back then. We just never talked about these things. Did I just say “back then?” I did, because my childhood is now antiquated. Hard to admit, but I am glad it is. I often hear people of my generation (& older) wax po...